We are committed to imparting the tools, values, knowledge and skills to our graduates that will open up a whole world of opportunities to them. Listen to the students’ stories, which will acquaint you with the gamut of available municipal services – therapeutic frameworks, education and rehabilitation for teens and young adults who come from different backgrounds
Municipal group care facilities and ‘warm homes‘ offer children and teens a safe place if they are unable to grow up in their own homes. For them, the group care facilities are a home-like setting that provides supervision and therapies and enables them to return home when they are self-sufficient.
‘Warm homes’ are an after-school solution for adolescents where they receive academic, emotional and social support. They also receive meals, help with their studies and enrichment programs.
The Flower in My Garden Treatment Centers for Children and Youth is a network of therapeutic-educational centers for children, adolescents and their parents. The network was established in response to a growing need for therapeutic, educational and counseling services for children and adolescents.
What makes the Flower in My Garden centers unique is the integrative work they do with all the relevant stakeholders in the localities in which they operate (social services, schools, educational psychology service, healthcare system and others). Our multiprofessional team of therapists includes psychologists, social workers, art therapists from a variety of specialties, psychotherapists and family counselors with expertise in various treatment disciplines.
The Flower in My Garden centers address all aspects of the worlds and lives of children and adolescents – whether family-related, academic or social – out of a belief that the entire gamut of components is intertwined and affects the quality of life of the individual and the community.
Muzot, High School of the Arts in Old Jaffa offers a second chance to teens who have dropped out of other educational frameworks due to a life crisis or exposure to high-risk situations, but nonetheless wish to graduate and receive a matriculation diploma through art studies. The approach at Muzot relies on a psychoanalytical orientation and principles.
But that is not the whole story. The school was founded and is run by two women – Vered and Lital – and for many teens it is their first opportunity to learn in a different way that is consistent with their passion for art and experience considerable success. The staff at Muzot give them a chance to create, learn and express their personal and creative abilities.
The Sha’arei Nicanor Youth Advancement Center is a holistic center that operates in the Arab community in Yafo and is open daily from morning to evening. A number of programs are based in the center, including Hila which is intended for teens who have dropped out of six-year, three-year and four-year secondary schools. The program, which is held in the morning hours, offers those teens an equal opportunity to finish 12 years of school and receive a full matriculation diploma.
Every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon the center opens its doors to the Warm Home program, which is intended for fifteen 7th to 9th graders from schools in Yafo. After receiving a hot lunch, the adolescents benefit from remedial teaching and group activities designed to prevent high-risk behaviors and increase their resilience, accompanied by individual coaching.
In the evening hours, the facility turns into a youth center for all the teens in the community. Social and group activities are offered, including sports and tension-releasing activities. There is also an educational-therapeutic team on site who provide individual counseling to teens from the different neighborhoods in the community. Many of them are at high risk of dropping out of school, loitering or delinquent behavior and also suffer from neglect and isolation.
The center’s staff collaborates with stakeholders in and outside the department, including truant officers, the staff of the Ichpat nighttime outreach patrols, the schools, the social services departments and other agencies in the community.
We Care! Ichpat At Night!
Are youths the same youths during the day and at night? Come and get acquainted with the story behind the street gangs and the significant adult, brought to you by the reach out teams at the Department of Children and Youth Advancement. They locate these teens and address their needs in an instant. You can see them in an encampment, in a neighborhood, or in an Ichpat at Night van, which roams around the city and reaches out to teens who need support, assistance or simply a place to sit down and talk. If you happen to come across the van some night, you’re welcome to drop by and say hello.