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When Tourism and Education Meet

Seeing is believing!

Come and see how it all happens, hear the voices, get to know a whole world of approaches, processes, architecture and pedagogy.

Education in Tel Aviv-Yafo is characterized by innovation, diversity, entrepreneurship, pluralism, boldness and creativity

and attracts delegations from Israel and around the world.

Three beacons shape the face of education in the city:

The equality beacon that produces equal and excellent public education for every boy and girl near their home.

The values beacon that reinforces democratic values and an openminded and tolerant way of life in a diverse city.

And trailblazing education that offers a new perspective and way to look at life in the kindergartens and the schools, with an abundance of autonomy and as a place to fulfill dreams.

In our school system, through the design of innovative learning environments, unique subject matter, the use of technologies and more…

We create relevant and customized education, which is the story of education in the city.

Holistic education in a changing reality

Let's get started…
דמוקרטיה וחיים משותפים
Democracy and a
Shared Society
חינוך מחולל שכונה
Education that
Generates Neighborhoods
החינוך כבבואה של העיר
Education as a
Reflection of the City
ללא תיוגים - עיר מיוחדת לכולם ולכולן
Without Labels – A Special City for Everyone
מדברים בקוד חדשנות טכנולוגית
Talking in Code – Technological Innovations
רק בהצבעה? על פדגוגיה פורצת דרך
Only if You Raise Your Hand? About State-of-the-Art Pedagogy
כיכר העיר - אדריכלות חוץ ופנים
The City Square – Interior and Exterior Architecture
סיפורם של ילדות ילדים ונוער - חסרי המעמד
Stories About Undocumented Children and Teens
מה הסיפור שלך? הדרה והאדרה של בנות ובני נוער
What's Your Story? Exclusion and Admiration Among Teens
כשיצרנות ולמידה נפגשים
When Manufacturing and Learning Meet
ההון האנושי - קהילות למידה מקצועיות
From Middle Schools
to Main Schools
כיוונים חדשים - הגיל הרך לידה עד 3, מרכז הורות ועוד..
New Directions – Early Education, Birth to Age 3, Parenting Center, and More
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